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Thursday, September 19, 2013

Bad Dog, Good Dog: Loving A Dog Named Chance

    Photo of Chance in his prime courtesy of The New York Times

We totally fell in love with this essay published just a few days ago in The NY Times. It's not only beautifully written, it does what good writing ought to do: take a specific story particular to you and make it resonate with a larger audience. Here the author, Rachel Maizes, takes us on her journey with a "bad" dog named Chance-through love lost and gained, and while both inevitably grow older. Maizes says: I try to be gentle with Chance, hoping when the time comes others will be gentle with me. When I catch myself tugging his leash, I remind myself these are his last days and to enjoy them."

We hope you enjoy this glorious piece of writing as much as we have.


Unknown said...

We must head over and have a read. Will we need a hanky? Have a fabulous Friday.
Best wishes Molly

Duke said...

What a wonderful story! Our mom is still wiping away her tears.

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Bocci said...

Ooops, we left out the part where Parental Unit cried. She still feels bad (gulity) about not paying enough attention to her first, perfect, faithful, loving dog, Benjie when she was a child and into adulthood. She wishes she could do it all over-and she's trying with me!

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