This clever infographic created by our friends at Pet 360 tells the tale (based on a true story), of a young woman who "failed" at her job of doggy foster mom, but gained her new best friend. Although we are charmed by the story and the pitch-perfect graphics, you'll also see how foster parenting dogs in shelters and rescues is vital to saving their lives: Fostered dogs have a much lower "return rate than dogs from shelters who haven't been fostered-2% for fostered pups versus 14% for dogs adopted directly from a shelter. And those numbers add up when you're talking 6-8 million animals entering shelters each year in the U.S. (We're guessing those percentages also include cats).
How many of you have fostered a homeless pooch or kitty? Let us know!
How many of you have fostered a homeless pooch or kitty? Let us know!

Get more great info about fostering pets at
What a great failure :)
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