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Thursday, May 02, 2013

Hair/Fur Analysis Part Of Today's Holistic Pet Health Care

                       We might be "getting our hair done"!

We have always said that "knowledge is power" in caring for our beloved pets, and prefer preparation and proactive strategies to simply reacting when health issues or disaster strikes, so naturally, we're interested in holistic veterinary practices. Although hair mineral analysis has been around for over 75 years for both humans and animals as one way to diagnose mineral deficiencies or excesses (Parental Unit had a hair analysis done nearly 20 years ago), the lab protocols and techniques have become more sophisticated. We thought that now was the time for a guest post on this subject, and would love to know what you think about this procedure.

Outside of regular vet visits, there are few options for preventive pet health care. Most people supplement their pet’s diet with well-known over the counter vitamins and minerals, but that does not address the needs of each specific breed or individual pet. There is one option, however, that gives you insight on your specific pet’s nutritional needs and intake. Hair analysis is a holistic health care option that brings a component of preventive pet health care to your home.
This test reveals a host of information about your pet that they can’t tell you themselves. At the most basic level, you can find out if your dog or cat is getting enough of the basic vitamins and minerals he or she needs. Essential elements from iodine to zinc show up on the results to let you know if you are supplementing your dog or cat sufficiently, or excessively.
It also is great with diagnosing health issues your pet may have. Hair mineral analysis can detect toxic elements that your pet may be exposed to and that you may be unaware of. Even mold in your home is detectable if your pet is exposed to it.
Hair mineral analysis is a diagnostic test that has been around for many years, is regularly used for humans, and more recently with animals. Your pet’s hair grows over time (varying from breed to breed), and your pet’s nutritional intake over that time shows up in their hair. This allows for a longer-term view of your pet’s nutritional intake (usually months) than other diagnostic tests.
It is non-invasive and painless for your dog or cat. All it takes is a snip of hair from a location that he or she doesn’t lick. It then goes off to a lab for analysis and two weeks later, you now know more about your pet’s health than ever before. If a person is very meticulous about their pet’s intake, a prudent owner can retest every 3-6 months to determine the effectiveness of their health supplementation.
The best part about it is that it is affordable for most pet owners, and takes place right in your home. Because all it takes is a small hair sample, anybody can prepare a sample themselves at home with their pet. Some stores online offer pet hair analysis test kits, with lab work and results included, for just over $100.
With dog and cat health as difficult and costly to maintain as it is, it’s good to know that there is an affordable, holistic health option available from the comfort of your own home. 
Note: This is a sponsored post.


Unknown said...

This is just amazing.. It will bring me and my Brano one step more closer. I will be able to know his health details through this. This hair mineral analysis test kit will be very useful.

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