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Sunday, February 17, 2013

Sunday's "Living With Your Pet" Tips: Five DIY Ways To Spoil Your Pup

        Fabulous photo of me by John Clark of Clark Creative

Although Parental Unit is far from a "do-it-yourself-er" (she's been known to whine about topping my kibble with a treat located in another bag), she thinks these tips from the Care2 website, complete with tutorials, look downright easy and are surely practical. 

How about taking a few minutes to make your pooch some homemade sweet potato treats, a recycled dog bed or sweater for those winter walks? Parental Unit's favorite is the homemade dog shampoo (she's always running out becasue she insists on bathing me way too often). 

Let us know if you try any of these DIY projects to spoil your best furfriend and how it turned out. We'll do the same!

P.S. Stay tuned later tonight when we reveal the winner of the stunning book: Underwater Dogs by Seth Casteel. We're extending the deadline a bit so you still have till 9:00pm EST tonight to enter!


Sagira said...

We are not creative enough for the do it yourself projects. You must smell good with all of those baths.

kirbysdawgblog said...

You are soooooooo cute! Remind me of Benji!

Bocci said...

Parental Unit agrees that I look like a twin to the original Benjie:-)

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