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Tuesday, January 01, 2013

"Cluck Cluck" The Pet Chicken Saves Family From House Fire

  Photo of Cluck Cluck and neighbor courtesy of Barb Murray/AP

Here's a heartwarming clucking chicken story to start the new year...that almost warmed the heart of the chicken, too! According to an article in The Washington Post, a few nights ago in Wisconsin, Cluck Cluck, the family's pet chicken who was in her basement pen, started clucking rather loudly. The home's owners were two floors up and asleep. It turns out that a fire had started and the fire alarms didn't go off, but Cluck Cluck did, saving (most) of the family from certain disaster. The couple had two cats and they were able to save one. Although their home is destroyed, the couple and their surviving kitty are fine and staying temporarily in a hotel, while Cluck Cluck is staying with a neighbor.

Cluck Cluck's current owner had previously saved the chicken from being roasted by another method because he "felt sorry for Cluck Cluck because she had a mutated foot..." Good Karma, we say.

And a Happy and Healthy New Year to all of our blogging friends!


meowmeowmans said...

Wow, that is one awesome chicken! Happy New Year! :)

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Bocci! My asst. wants to know if you ever heard back from the org that tries to place less desirable dogs... she can't remember the name of it. Think they were in Canada. We thought it would be a great franchise...

Duke said...

Cluck Cluck is a hero!
Happy New Year, Bocci!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Two French Bulldogs said...

Very cool chick a dee
Happy New Year
Benny & Lily

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