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Monday, December 17, 2012

Sunday's "Living With Your Pet" Tips: Bake Your Dog A Bone!

         Fabulous photo of me by John Clark of Clark Creative

Oh, O.K.. so it's Monday, not Sunday, but we thought we'd share these dog biscuit recipes from Martha Stewart with you today, so you can make them as special treats for your four-legged friends in plenty of time for the holidays. While, you're doing all of that scrumptious holiday baking that we're "not allowed" to eat, why not keep on that apron just a bit longer and make your real best friend some homemade stocking stuffers. 

    Apple Cheddar biscuits cooling just prior to mass consumption.

Martha offers up four nutritious and (fairly) easy to make recipes, plus throws in her special formula to mix in with your dog's daily food. Each of the recipes look delicious and healthy-would you expect anything less from Martha?

We hope you enjoy making these treats, and please let us know how they turn out! And I'm more than happy to give you my secret Post Office Box number if you'd like to mail me some...I promise I will not tell Parental Unit!


Duke said...

We even have the bone cookie cutter! We hope that mom will make these for us. They sound sooooooooooo yummy!

Love ya lots
Mitch and Molly

steph said...

Apple cheddar? That sounds like a good combo! I want to get the bone shaped cookie cutter so i can try making these for Grace.

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