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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

And The Winners Of The Santa Paws 2 DVD's And The Pet Food Direct $50 Gift Card Are...!

First up are the two winners of the Santa Paws 2: The Santa Pups DVD's. You already know that we depend on the kindness of Random.org and their spooky, "Random Sequence Generator" to choose our winners, so here we go... We put in the number of entrants (4) and here's what the generator, well, generated...

Random Sequence Generator

Here is your sequence:
Timestamp: 2012-11-27 13:06:41 UTC

So the TWO winners, whose comments correspond with these numbers are: Amy and Layla and Benny and Lily of two French Bulldogs! Let's all put our paws together in a round of applause for our two winners-we hope you enjoy the latest Disney flick! (I mean, who doesn't enjoy talking dogs?)

And here's our winner of  the Pet Food Direct $50 gift card-again we'll put our trust in the Random Sequence Generator. We once again put in the number of entrants (6) and here's what came up...

Random Sequence Generator

Here is your sequence:
Timestamp: 2012-11-27 20:26:34 UTC

We're happy to announce that comment #6 belongs to Olivia R., so let's all put our paws together in a round of applause for Olivia!
Important Note to: Amy, Layla and the Two Cutie Pie Frenchies-please send me your full snail mail address with telephone number as soon as you can-the Disney representative is requesting the addresses pronto!
Important Note to: Olivia: Please just send me your e-mail address as soon as you can and I'll send you the gift code.

Thanks to all who participated!

Big P.S. Please stay tuned for another giveaway on Bocci's Beefs starting tomorrow afternoon-this time it's the generous people at Iams who offering a fabulous gift basket brimming with amazing pet products (including a Wet/Dry Swiffer!) for one lucky Bocci's Beefs reader-don't miss it!


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


I need to make my slakhker mom stop hogging the ThinkPad so I khan visit more!

Just sayin'


Duke said...

Congratulations to all of the winners!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Unknown said...

Congratulations to the winners!!!

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