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Thursday, August 02, 2012

Shocking Negligence Kills Bulldog Mascot

Louisiana Tech Mascot, Tech XX in better days. Photo courtesy of Getty Images

According to this piece in today's Los Angeles Times, an employee of the Sexton Animal Health Center, the veterinary offices that have taken care of Tech XX since he became Louisiana Tech's mascot in 2008, let the poor pooch outdoors to go to the bathroom-in 102 degree heat. And then forgot about him. And by the time the employee remembered, Tech XX had died of heat stroke.

And then the employee attempted to cover up his tragic mistake by claiming the dog had been lost. Patrick Sexton, the veterinarian who owns this facility, even issued a $2000 reward for return of the four year old bulldog...before he learned the truth.

What can you say about a "mistake" like this? At least one point that it drives home is how exceedingly cautious and protective we have to be of our pets, particularly during the extreme weather conditions we've been having.

What do you think? Please let us know.


Shawn said...

So sad, a terrible mistake that caused the death of this poor animal. It is a wake up call to all regarding these extreme temperatures the country is experiencing.

Unknown said...

WARF! Bad human!


Duke said...

How awful for TechXX - stupid hoomans!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Two French Bulldogs said...

We are sick. People should be prosecuted for murder
Benny & Lily

Pup Fan said...

Such a horrible story. :(

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