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Friday, June 08, 2012

Puppy Nutrition 101

                       Photo courtesy of Coolpets info.com
The Best Puppy Food: Why You Should Start 'Em Young.
If you want your grown dog to live a long healthy life, it’s best to start your young pooch out with the best puppy food possible. Your puppy has specific nutritional needs, just like a human infant has special needs. We all want our babies to have the best start in life, so why shouldn’t we want the best for our pets as well? A responsible pet owner takes the health needs of his puppy seriously from the very beginning.
Here are some basic ingredients puppies need: 
• Protein – During the puppy stage, an abundant amount of protein is needed for building muscle, skin, coat and tissue, so make sure that you get  puppy food with an adequate amount of protein. 
• Calcium, Phosphorous and Vitamin D – Nutrients for healthy bones and teeth that all puppies need in specific quantities. 
• Omega Fatty Acids, including Linoleic acid – This helps promote a healthy immune system, a beautiful shiny coat and healthy skin. 
The best nutritional puppy food is found in the brands that have the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) nutritional adequacy statement listed on the package - something every best puppy food should have. Puppies need 10 amino acids, 12 minerals and 11 vitamins. Meat should be the very first ingredient on the label. If you choose a brand which lists the AAFCO code, you’ll know that all of the necessary nutrients puppies need are included in that food.
Feeding Schedule: Puppies should eat between 3 and 4 times a day. Depending on the weight of the pup, here’s the guide:  
2-10 lbs.-- 1/2 to 1 ½ cups a day
10-25 lbs.-- 1 ½ to 2 cups a day
25-50 lbs.-- 2-4 cups a day
50-75 lbs.-- 4-5 cups a day
75-100 lbs.-- 5-6 cups a day  
Can anything ever be "too good" for your adorable puppy? Quality food certainly is more expensive, but of course, your puppy is worth every extra penny. Saving money on less expensive food, without the proper nutrients, is indeed, no cost savings  at all when you consider potential vet bills down the line. Feed your little fella or gal well, and you will have years of enjoyment with your furry ‘child’. Remember, a healthy start will help to insure that your beloved pet will have less medical issues in his or her golden years. 
Note: Bocci's Beefs received consideration from Amanda Green for publishing this post.


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Hi buddy... I am very much THRILLED to hear that you will in Blogville's Olympics.


Bocci said...

We certainly agree about quality puppy and dog food. Although those special liver bars you make "take the cake" for dog treats! You could market those!

Unknown said...

The puppy is so adorable!

Duke said...

Molly loves her Wellness puppy food, Bocci. She never misses one kibble!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

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