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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Treasure Buddies Training Video #2

We decided to post this second Buddies training video on our blog, rather than Facebook this week because it was just so darn cute (and helpful) that we couldn't resist. What a dream job April Mackin, the dog trainer for the "Buddies" series, has-eh? Besides, we figured it would be the perfect spot to shamelessly promote our Treasure Buddies giveaway. This first opportunity to win one of two DVD's of Disney's latest flick starring our favorite canine heroes ends Saturday, January 21 at 8:00 EST-so please tell your friends!

One of Mackin's tips is to keep your training sessions short, but repeat frequently throughout the day. This is undoubtedly solid advice, but Parental Unit admits to forgetting to repeat the sessions after one attempt, considering everything else she's juggling, like work for instance. Any tips for Parental Unit?


Duke said...

What a cute pup and he sure does respond well to SIT!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Lorenza said...

Those tips are great.... too bad I have the worst trainer in the whole world!
Kisses and hugs

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