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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Halloween Pet Parade

We had a beautiful fall day here in central Ohio, and Parental Unit and I strolled down to our local park to enjoy the annual "Dog O 'Ween Pet Parade (we're not sure why they call it a parade, it's more of a doggie costume contest with goofy categories, like "most brave" and lots of prizes). Nonetheless, it's a few hours outdoors where neighbors get together with their dogs and rave about the cute costumes and chat nonstop-in other words, it's fun! Meanwhile the dogs seem to be fairly evenly divided between enjoying themselves even when wearing a costume, and those who spent the time furiously shaking or burrowing into the ground in an attempt to rid themselves of their getup.

I shucked mine before we even got there - when Parental Unit saw that the hood refused to stay up and the miserable look on my face...well, she decided it was better for me to go without.

Here I am trying to shake off that "monster" hood...

Finally off! Would you have forced this face to wear a costume?

Here's some of the better dressed Dog O 'Ween attendees...

Gunslinger extraordinaire!

Zoom in on this one-the dog is dressed as a chocolate chip cookie with bakers as Parental Units!

Ready for a pajama party.

And let's not forget the "Chia Pet" and his watering can.

And here I am watching from the sidelines after "marking my territory" and growling at big dogs, nonstop. Parental Unit was mortified!

Last but certainly not least, we thought we'd share a few of my Aunt Renee's professional canine Halloween photos that she's dubbed: "The Pumpkin King and His Lesser Subjects".

We hope you enjoy our Halloween Pet Parade for this year!


KimT said...

I would NOT like the hood, or the costume for that matter, either, Bocci! Happy Howloweenie to you! -CindyLu

Pup Fan said...

Pumpkinheads! :)

Unknown said...

Great costumes! Everyone looks so happy and I love those pumpkin heads pictures.

Happy Halloween!

Kolchak Puggle said...

That cookie, baker & cookie monster sure is cute! What a great idea! Looks like a good time!

Duke said...

Hoods are so annoying but you do look pretty cute, Bocci!
Happy Halloween!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

meowmeowmans said...

We loved seeing the pictures of the Halloween Parade! That sure looks fun!

Unknown said...

My duo hates costumes so we pass! Thanks for sharing your photos there are some really cute ones :) LOL you were barking at big dogs - silly Bocci!
Wow your Aunt is very talented, I went and checked out her site.

Renee and Mugs said...

The Chia Pet costume with watering can was great! And the pug dressed as a taco in the video.....perfection. Sorry Bocci, I would have insisted you wear the hood + costume....that would leave you no time to growl at big dogs, since you'd be busy defiling your costume.

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