If there ever was a worthy cause, and one that's right up our alley, so to speak, it's Petfinder's Adopt-A-Less-Adoptable-Pet Week (September 17-25th), where this wonderful organization draws attention to the hundreds of thousands of dog and cats who are needlessly euthanized each year because they're, well, different in some way. Many of these gorgeous animals in need of a loving home are older, have special needs, are the "wrong" breed or mixed-breed, the "wrong" color, and who knows what other reasons why such animals looking for their forever home are passed by. We all know in our hearts that discrimination of any kind is wrong, so let's make sure we use this week in particular, to call attention to these special animals in need.

So let's join with Petfinder.com to promote this one special week that draws attention to the plight of these less-adoptable animals. You can do that by writing a post on your blog and joining that post to Petfinder's official "Adopt-A-Less-Adoptable-Pet Bloghop", that will appear on their landing page tomorrow, Monday, September 18. We can't think of a worthier cause to promote or a more important bloghop to join, can you?

We'll look forward to reading your posts and visiting you on tomorrow's bloghop!

So let's join with Petfinder.com to promote this one special week that draws attention to the plight of these less-adoptable animals. You can do that by writing a post on your blog and joining that post to Petfinder's official "Adopt-A-Less-Adoptable-Pet Bloghop", that will appear on their landing page tomorrow, Monday, September 18. We can't think of a worthier cause to promote or a more important bloghop to join, can you?

We'll look forward to reading your posts and visiting you on tomorrow's bloghop!
kudos to Petfinder
Benny & Lily
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