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Thursday, August 04, 2011

Look-A-Like Dogs Across The Years

We traded e-mails last night with Peggy Frezon of  Peggy's Pet Place, about her winning our Monday Musings contest. And she was kind enough to say the following: "I smile every time I open your blog" because I (that's me, Bocci) look like so much like her dog, Corky, that she had growing up.  "So visiting your blog is an extra treat for me."  Well, she sent us a picture of her dear departed Corky, and both Parental Unit and I nearly fell off our chairs! We'll let you be the judge-are we blood brothers or what?

Photo by: John Clark

Peggy was also kind enough to share some information about Corky: He was born on a farm in Vermont, was part Airedale, part Collie, and who knows what else! And he loved to smile and chase his tail...and was so lovable! We're sure Corky was a dear, sweet boy (if he was anything like me!), and we're so happy that visiting our blog brings back fond memories for Peggy.

And speaking of Peggy, she's quite the published author: She's a full time writer for Guideposts magazine and Chicken Soup for the Soul, writes a column for Be the Change for Animals, has a book under her belt, Dieting With My Dog, and several more in the works. And she let us in on a little secret...the book she's working on right now, Dog in the Pond, Sheep on the Roof, features Corky!

We can't thank Peggy enough for sharing Corky with us so we could share him with you.


Pup Fan said...

There's definitely quite the resemblance! :)

Peggy Frezon said...

Thanks for sharing this Bocci, I love it! Maybe you and Corky shared the same great great great grandfather! Hugs!

Teresa@1800 Farmhouse Rd said...

Awe, what some beautiful babies. My Sophie looks a lot like them also with certain hair cuts. We don't have a clue what she is either. I found her in the road when she was a little bitty thing. I cringe when I think about all of the times I tried to give her away when I found her. I was going to bring her home with me and take care of her until I could find her a good home. Needless to say, she found a good home! Thanks for sharing the photos.

Rachel Lauren Photography said...

Very cool! I've been sent a few pictures of 'Zero lookalikes' in the past, and it always surprises me!

Unknown said...

Corky is adorable and just looks like you!

Cassy said...

Yes,Corky and you are look alike. Nice photos.

Cassy from Learn How To Read Tablature

Duke said...

You and Corky could definitely pass as twinsies, Bocci! It's amazing!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

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