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Sunday, August 21, 2011

Celebrating Pet Bloggers!

Here we are tooting our own horn again...well, in this case, I'm tooting Parental Unit's horn. I'm proud to say that a piece that she wrote on pet blogging appears in the latest issue (October 2011) of Dog Fancy Magazine-woo hoo!

Parental Unit and I are thrilled that we've had the opportunity to join the pet blogging community, and as a result, have the privilege of making new friends around the world, every day - you just don't know how fun and rewarding it is until you join, right? But we also strongly believe in the use of blogging and social media to help companion animals in need, and this article speaks to that issue as well-so she's particularly hopeful that it will entice many more pet owners to join our ranks.

Parental Unit is also grateful that she was able to highlight in a magazine of this popularity and importance in the dog world, an organization called BlogPaws, that in the last several years has really brought the pet blogging community together. We can't say enough about the impact this organization has had on thousands of pet bloggers around the world, and the companies that make pets products and services for our beloved companion animals. And it just so happens that Blogpaws is poised to host their third international conference this coming week. Check out the fabulous speakers and events planned for this gala occasion right here: http://events.blogpaws.com/blogpaws-2011.html.

Many thanks to Dog Fancy for making a pdf of the article available so we could share it with you. Of course, the entire October issue is brimming with useful information about our canine friends, so don't forget to pick it up at the newstand. Meanwhile, enjoy!

P.S. Speaking of using the power of the Internet to help companion animals in need, stay tuned for a very special post coming this Tuesday via our friends at Pedigree.

As always, thanks for your support and encouragement-it means everything to Parental Unit and me.


Asta said...

That sounds like a soopew event
pet bloggews have helped all of us wif ouw pwoblems and keeping connected to all ouw fwiends..we thank them
smoochie kisses

Sagira said...

It is always great when you hear of companies and other bloggers helping make the world a better place. :)

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

CONGRATULATIONS TO YOUR P.U., Bocci!!! WONDERFUL news here, buddy.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...


Maggie Mae and Max said...

Congrats to your P.U.! I am very happy fur her.

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

meowmeowmans said...

Pawsome! Congratulations!

Peggy Frezon said...

I read that article in Dog Fancy and thought it was great! Way to go! I wish I could go to BlogPaws, maybe next year.

Vicky said...

Congrats to you on your article publication! Hopefully I'll be at next year's BlogPaws and can say hello!

Pet Lover said...

Congratulations, Good to know that your Article was Published.

Darren Demers said...

Parental Unit and I are thrilled that we've had the opportunity to join the pet blogging community, and as a result, have the privilege of making new friends around the world, every day 3pcs bed sheets , light filling comforters , idea bed sheets , fancy bed sheets , bed spread , cotton mattress , blanket , cotton razai , sofa covers , pakistani lawn suits you just don't know how fun and rewarding it is until you join, right? But we also strongly believe in the use of blogging and social media to help companion animals in need, and this article speaks to that issue as well-so she's particularly hopeful that it will entice many more pet owners to join our ranks.

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