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Thursday, June 30, 2011

Fit After 50? Adopt A Dog And Start Moving!

Hey, not that Parental Unit is over 50 or anything...hehehe. But we thought this article that appeared in the Huffington Post just a few days ago was very helpful. The woman who wrote this piece, Barbara Hannah Grufferman, has also written a book titled: The Best of Everything After 50: The Experts Guide to Style, Sex, Health, Money and More, so it seems that she's done her research!
The article does a marvelous job of intertwining two issues that we've discussed here quite a bit: adopting dogs and making sure that your dog gets enough daily exercise for his or her breed. Grufferman also provides helpful tips for running with your dog, especially in warmer weather, along with a list of other reasons why dog ownership is good for you humans. A win-win situation, we say!
Enjoy the full article here: www.huffingtonpost.com/barbara-hannah-grufferman/health-benefits-of-dogs_b_883684.html

Please stay tuned for tomorrow's post that will offer a variety of opinions on how to keep your pooch safe and happy over this (noisy) holiday weekend.

            Think these posts will act as earplugs?
Photo of me by Rachel Lauren Photography


Donna said...

O hai! I love to take walks with my hooman friends. :) It is good exercise for me and them too. :)

Lorenza said...

Super duper picture, Bocci!
I am not good with the running thing but sure I love looooong walkies with my mom! And she appreciates I take her out for that!
Kisses and hugs

Sagira said...

Those sure are some nice earplugs you have. :)

Duke said...

We love your earplugs, Bocci! Very creative!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

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