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Sunday, April 03, 2011

The Latest On Dog Auctions In Ohio

We wanted to pass on this message from our friend, Mary Shaver, the companion animal activist who is devoting so much of her time, not only to dog rescue, but to changing Ohio's laws to reflect more humane treatment of our companion animals-in Ohio and across the country. (You know that political saying: "As Ohio goes, so goes the country":-)) Just a short time ago, we brought you an interview with Mary than touches on the reasons why she's working so hard on behalf of companion animals and what's next on her agenda. Read all about it here:  boccibeefs.blogspot.com/2011/03/interview-with-passionate-dog-activist.html

Below is a copy of the Facebook notice that Mary sent just this morning that recaps the peaceful rally she and her compatriots staged at the Millersburg courthouse-not far from yesterday's dog auction. It also details what YOU can do to help, even if you don't live in Ohio: 

Dear Companion Pet Lovers ~
Saturday's Ohio dog auction was blessed with 31 supporters who joined us at the Millersburg Courthouse to serve as a strong voice for the dogs! A SPECIAL THANKS to Tammy and Kevin who drove seven hours round trip from Butler and Greene counties to join our pack of dedicated animal advocates!

The highlight of yesterday's rally was a double bonus; receiving recognition from a Holmes county resident (with his mill dog rescue, Harper) who confirmed that our campaign to raise awareness of Ohio dog auctions and their relationship to puppy mill breeding is gaining tremendous support from the locals, and rescuing three beautiful companions (a white boxer, Pomeranian and Schnauzer mix) as part of our undercover investigation to be included in a portfolio which will be presented to legislators in January 2012 (upon certification of all our signatures from registered voters)!

Given the tremendous outpouring of support following Dr. Nancy Kay's excellent article on dog auctions, we wanted to encourage those of you outside of Ohio to write to the following elected officials asking them to support a ban on Ohio dog auctions. Emphasize that you will not be spending any dollars in Holmes County until this event no longer takes place in their community!

1. Holmes County Commissioners (Joe D. Miller, Ray Eyler and Robert L. Ault)
2 Court Street, Ste 14
Millersburg, OH 44654-2001
Phone: 330-674-0286
Fax: 330-674-0566
E-mail: hcc@co.holmes.oh.us
Website: http://www.co.holmes.oh.us/commissioners/

2. Governor John Kasich
Contact: http://governor.ohio.gov/ShareYourIdeas.aspx

Click here to read Dr. Kay's article - >http://www.petconnection.com/blog/2011/03/29/dog-auctions-where-puppy-millers-do-their-dirty-business/

Again, we greatly appreciate everyone's support and dedication to our campaign! Thanks for continuing to serve as a strong voice for the dogs!
The video below is available on Mary's website: www.banohiodogauctions.com, and was put together by undercover workers from the Humane Society of the U.S. It's a fascinating, close-up look at several dog auctions, and expertly demonstrates the link among dog auctions, puppy mills and some pet stores and online breeders.

As always, thank you all so much for your support.


Vicky said...

Thank you for the update. Inch by inch we can move the needle on pet issues if we all do a little on behalf of companion animals.

Duke said...

We felt so horrible for all of the doggies in that video :-(

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Bocci said...

Ditto for us-it's so hard to watch. Millersburg is only about an hour and a half drive from here, but PU is not sure she could sit there and keep her big mouth shut. And you can't take cameras in unless you go undercover like the Humane Society did...which PU says wouldn't work for her-she's not a good actor!

TwoSpecialWires said...

We're with ya, on supporting increased awareness of and action against dog auctions. Jake got rescued from one ... it breaks Moma's heart to even think about it.

Thanks for all you do
Fergi (and lucky Jake)

Bocci said...

It brreaks my heart, too. It's unbelievable that so many humans seem to have absolutely no compassion at all for other life on our planet-ugh!
What I do believe is that awareness is always the first step-I've learned so much in the last few years, and for that I'm grateful.

Thanks for taking the time to comment...

Pup Fan said...

Thank you for the update. So hard to watch, but you're right - awareness is really important.

Peggy Frezon said...

Thank you. We can make a difference. It's not easy to change these things but you're right, we have to try.

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