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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Ho, Ho, Ho! It's Kyjen's Toy (And Other Useful Stuff) Give-A-Way!

Well here we are again, folks, with yet another fabulous giveaway, this time from our friends at Kyjen, whose tag line is: "We Make Unique, Innovative Dog Products". And boy do they ever, as you will soon see!
Kyjen was founded in 1992 by Kyle and Jennifer Hanson (Ky + Jen = clever!). Their mission is simply to "create the best pet products in the world", and over these nearly 20 years, they've become known as the top innovator in the industry.
Based in the Colorado foothills, Kyjen employees use the outdoors to hike, play and entertain their dogs-all the while doing the in-depth research and development necessary to make superior products.

Every day is "Bring your pet to work day" at Kyjen!
So Parental Unit met Kyjen representatives at, where else, but the Blogpaws West conference in Denver, and they were kind enough to send us a variety of products in exchange for doing this review. We received no other compensation, and the reviews are our own.

Check out our gifts below. Clockwise from L-R:  Paw Hide Dog Puzzle Toy, Treat 'N Training Bag, Excursion Dog Backpack, Sydney the Squirrel Square Squeaker Mat, and a Port-A-Bowl. Whew!

Now here's how we'll do this: We'll review these products individually (except the treat and training bag, because that's not part of the official give-a-way), and there will be three different prizes awarded to three different winners: One Paw Hide Puzzle Toy to one winner, One Squeaker Mat toy to another winner, and one Excursion Backpack and one Port-A-Bowl to a third winner. We will choose the winners randomly as always, but this time you must specify which of the three items you'd prefer to win. Please make sure to read the entry requirements at the end of the post.

And away we go.....

First up: The Paw Hide Dog Puzzle Toy.
This is part of Kyjen's line of "enrichment toys" and is one of three new puzzle games that according to Kyjen, "occupies and challenges dogs' cognitive skills." 
Well, I don't know what "cognitive" means, but I'll tell you what: I loved trying to get the treat out of this puzzle!
Parental Unit was smart enough to pay attention to the directions and started me off with treats hidden under just one of the paw prints (super clever design, huh?)

   So here I am seeing what this thing is all about-yep that's the one hiding the treat!

Hmmm. How do I get to that dang treat???

  Wait a minute...maybe if I hold my paw up at the same time I bite down...

                                   Oh, here I go!

 Whoops! Here I'm taking off to play with the yellow cap, when I was supposed to grab the treat-duh!

O.K. Got it now!

Speaking for Parental Unit here (don't I always), she's a big fan of enrichment toys for companion animals (as well as zoo animals for whom such products were first developed). Why you ask? Because she learned the hard way that dogs and cats need both physical and mental stimulation every day or they will "act out" and get that "stimulation" in ways that are unacceptable to the average household (to prove my point, see my personal list of things that I've destroyed since I was adopted on blog sidebar). It really just makes sense. According to Kyjen's website: "As descendants of wolves, most dogs instinctively enjoy the challenge of hunting and seeking out the hidden food in these puzzle toys." And as an added bonus, each of the three sturdy plastic puzzles is dishwasher safe!
By the way, we recommend that you Parental Units supervise your dog during this type of play.

On to Sydney the Squirrel!
As you can imagine, I love having my very own squirrel to kill (I mean play with) and each of these Square Squeaker Mats, as they're called, has 16 separate squeakers! 

                                Here I go...!

                Got Sydney right on a squeaker!

          He even has a good size tail to play tug 'o war with!

Let's face it, it's furry, has tons of squeakers, and looks like a squirrel-what's not to love?

And they have several different animal mats: Harpo the Hedgehog,  Shelby the Sheep,  Podge the Pig, Monty the Mallard, and a Duck, inexplicably with no first name-may I suggest "Dennis"?  According to the Kyjen catalog,  Harpo, Sydney and Shelby come in two different sizes: small and large, and the duck pig and mallard come in one medium size. Take you pick or buy one of each why don't ya!

Now let's take a look at Kyjen's "Outward Hound" extensive line of products.
Whatdaya expect-they're based in Colorado and in case you didn't know, Colorado has the thinnest, fittest human population in the entire country! Something tells me their dogs are just as fit:-)

Anyway, take a gander at this fabulous backpack. They have several different varieties, but I received the Excursion Dog Backpack-sounds like I'll be going on many wonderfully long hikes!

The above photo is the plaid version but my colors are called "clay and java". This particular backpack  comes in three different sizes with three easily adjustable, padded straps, so the fit will be perfect and comfortable for any size pooch!  See those large zippered pockets on both sides? It even has a "pick up" bag dispenser, a D-Ring for leash hookup, and reflective strips for night safety.

            Ain't I a great model? When are we leavin'?

   And take a look at the underside: breathable mesh for cool, dry comfort on those long hikes!

You know, according to many dog trainers and behaviorists, giving a dog a job to do (like carrying his/her own food and water via a backpack on a walk, hike, or camping trip) helps to fulfill a dog's natural instincts. As we know, many dogs are bred to actually work, and in today's modern society, they in fact, do very little work (Hehehe). Additionally, carrying an appropriate amount of extra weight on a walk (via a well-fitting backpack) also helps to burn off extra calories and energy, so your doggie returns home in a calm, relaxed, well-exercised state.

Last but not least, here's a traveling, collapsible bowl to take along on your hike or even just a short walk in warm weather-we need to keep hydrated you know! And it's fine for kibble as well. Kyjen has a few different travel bowl designs, but this one's called "Port-A-Bowl" and comes in two different sizes. This one's the smaller of the two, holds 48 ounces, and comes in several different colors and patterns.

 Here I am having a nosh from my new bowl, albeit indoors. Does that make me an Inward Hound?

Finally, we'd be remiss if we didn't at least mention the Designer Treat and Ball Bag, although it's not part of the giveaway. It just the right size to hold a small ball and treats, appears to be made of the same sturdy material as the portable bowl, and clips onto a Parental Unit's belt. Check it out below.
For a full description of all of Kyjen's fabulous products, click here: www.kyjen.com

So we've finally arrived at the moment you've all been waiting for...entering this amazing giveaway!

Here's what we're asking you to do:
1. Comment on this post and indicate which of the three prizes you'd like to win. Also please indicate whether you'd be happy with any of the three.
2. Become an official Follower of this blog if you aren't already.
3. And this time, we're adding one more requirement: Please also follow us on my Facebook Fan Page and on Twitter. It takes but a minute, and you can access both via the icons right near the top of the sidebar-thanks!

You have until tomorrow evening, Thursday December 23rd at 8:00 pm EST, to enter. We will announce the three lucky winners tomorrow night.
Good luck one and all-we so very much appreciate your support!


Barbara said...

Wow, what great prizes! I'm wondering if Minnie could figure out the game because she can't figure out the Kong Wobbly!!!

Gus said...

Those are some great prizes Bocci! I think the puzzle thing looks most enticing, and I agree with your Mom about mental simulation. I pretend to have a brain all the time!

But all the products are lovely, and we are great outward hound fans, and have been for many years!

Happy Christmas.

gus n teka

Sue said...

There seems to be a difference of opinion in this house. Mom says she'd like us to win the puzzle toy because she believes in that enrichment stuff, BUT we'd rather win the squirrel because with all those squeakers we could make a real racket and drive Mom crazy. Besides it's a SQUIRREL!

Anyway I guess we'd be happy winning any of them, but we'd really like that squirrel.
Morgan, Tsar and the Porties

Lori @ According to Gus said...

Ooooh...I think Gus would love the squirrel toy, but we'd love for him to win the puzzle...which means we'd be happy with either!

We're new followers of your blog [Gus G]; joined your FB fan page [According to Gus]; and are new followers on Twitter [AccordingtoGus]

Thanks for hosting such a fun giveaway...Happy Holidays!

HoundDogMom said...

Another great give away. We are very intrigued for sure. Our Mom thinks that puzzle toy would be just wonderful us to test our sniffing skills out on. But we like the squirrel because we have something like this and we love squeaky toys. But we would be happy with any though. We follow you already and like you on FB as well. The HoundDogs

Jamie P said...

I think our pups would love the puzzle or sydney the squirrel! I follow and like you on facebook.

couponsarefun @ gmail . com


Unknown said...

I just don't know which one to pick!!!

I think probably the cool puzzle toy! We can't get those in Malaysia so I think it would be great to stimulate Eva's little brain :)

i don't have Facebook, but I'll get Rosie to follow you!!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

What great stuffs!

I'd be happy to win any of them -

And I'd probably paw them along to one of my transports!

Thanks fur the great writeups!

Of khourse, woo look pawesome in all the pikhs!


Anonymous said...

Oh Boy oh Boy Oh Boy!! Those are some great prizes! I would say I would be pretty excited if I won the backpack. I had one when I was a puppy but it looks a little small on me now when Mommy takes me out in it! I also do love me a puzzle toy, but tend to master them too quick Mommy says! Hurph! It's tough being SMART and BEAUTIFUL! Well, We joined FB Bocci, but you will be hard pressed to get my Mommy to join Twitter... it's not allowed in my house. I hope that still means I can play!!
Be sure to come play Kylie's 25 days of Christmas! You still have 3 more days!

Duke said...

What awesome prizes. We would be thrilled to win any one of them! They are all terrific gifts!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Angel Carlson said...

I know my two would LOVE the Paw Hide Dog Puzzle Toy! They really love interactive puzzle games.

We just followed your blog, joined your fan page on facebook, and followed on twitter! :)

Happy Holidays!
Angel, LuLu & Wally

Kirby, CGC said...

Hi Bocci!
My mom is a total believer in toys like that too, I like them too!! She was wondering about the treat one so we enjoyed your review. We will enter your contest too!

Merry Christmas Dude!!

PS: my mom will probably enter our story over the holiday weekend, thanks for the invite!

Amy / Layla the Malamute said...

I love all the prizes! We'd be happy to win any of them - but happiest to win one of the first two :)

I finally joined Twitter (just for this contest!) and also became a fan on Facebook (#Wolfy6688 and Amy Novak, respectively), and already of course follow your blog.


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