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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Gifts Galore!

Yesterday sure was exciting at our house! We received our package (or should I say I received a package of goodies) from our blogging friend Maggie and her Parental Unit, Jean! They drew my name in Jazzi's Christmas gift exchange, and unlike Parental Unit, they mailed their gift on time...

Check out their fun blog here: inthegardenwithmissjean.blogspot.com/

Here I am checking out the package:

Oh my dogness-look at these beautifully wrapped presents! And...is that card addressed to me?

Look who's stickin' her nose into my business...

Wow is all I can say! Maggie's card said she sent something for me to eat (of course!), lots to play with, and something to keep me safe.

So let's examine these fabulous gifts, one by one:
1. Daisy's Delights gourmet dog treats-peanut butter pigs-ha! I'll take one now, please!
2. An entire Christmas stocking stuffed with furry, sqeaky, and bouncy toys (some do all three!); and
3. A 6ft. leash and seat belt latch! I love the toys and the treats, and Parental Unit is thrilled with this new leash and latch for keeping me safe in the car-that was on her Christmas shopping list!
It's a great brand, too. We know that Bamboo makes very high quality products!
Thank you so much Maggie and her Parental Unit Jean, for these very thoughtful gifts! And thanks to Jazzi, we've made a new friend:-)

Parental Unit wanted to show you the other gift we received yesterday from our very talented neighbors, Jan and John Clark. You might recall that our very first post featured John and Jan-they plowed through a blizzard to take pictures of me...hehe! Reminisce here if you'd like: boccibeefs.blogspot.com/2009_09_01_archive.html
John is not only a very talented photographer, he's also a professional musician, and each year they put together a CD of beautiful Christmas music with their dog, Casey, as the star (well, at least he's on the cover!). They've dubbed it: A Very Casey Christmas-check out the photo below!
We had so much fun writing this post-thanks so much to our new friends and neighbors!


Lori @ According to Gus said...

Yay for presents! What fabulous gifts!

Barbara said...

Wow! Score! Lucky you!!!!

Pup Fan said...


Minnie and Mack said...

Goodies in the mail...for us doggies!
Happy Holidays,
Minnie and Mack

Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

Cool! Mom totally missed out on the gift exchange thing this year, but Granny and Grandpa are making up for out lack of pressies! You got some Most Excellent goodies there! Happy holidays!

*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus

George The Lad said...

Great pressie you got, I'm in the exchange to, this is so much fun ;)
See Yea George xxx

Duke said...

What nice gifts you received from Maggie, Bocci!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Dewey Dewster said...

Hey Bocci.....so Santa came ta yer house a bit early.....we sure hope ya enjoy yer new gifts and goodies too.....how nice that ya have some new friends with a nice parental unit too.

Merry Christmas ta ya all !

Dewey Dewster

Miss Jean said...

I'm so glad you liked your presents, Bocci! Notice the treats are wheat free and allergy safe. I'm a Scottie and we have to watch those types of things. Make sure you wear a harness with the seat belt leash. I love mine so much and my parental unit even bought another one to keep in case we get another dog! It gives me the shivers when I see dogs running around in cars.

xo and hugs and an Arooooooo Merry Christmas

The Daily Pip said...

Very nice pressies, Bocci! Enjoy.

Your pal, Pip

Kirby, CGC said...

Oohh! the peanut butter piggies look really good! Enjoy Bocci dude!


Unknown said...

How lucky you are! Those prezzies look so good!!!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

What a skhore!!!


Rachel said...

A Very Casey Christmas! How adorable.

Oskar said...

What great looking stuff! You sure are lucky.

Nubbin wiggles,

Helen Pigott said...

Woof woof meow!
Coming to you via Saturday Pet Blog Hop. Please visit me back I would love to see you soon. You have some great looking gifts to get stuck into!
Happy Christmas and a fun filled new year.
Helen x

Kristin G. said...

Very cool! Enjoy your goodies!

meowmeowmans said...

Wow, you got some pawsome presents! Enjoy!

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