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Thursday, December 23, 2010

And The Winners Of The Kyjen Toy Give-A-Way Are...!

Let's first begin by saying that we thought we might have a problem picking randomly, because most of you specified which toys/products you'd prefer. What if we picked three numbers and you all wanted the puzzle toy? We were in a tizzy! Well, my friend convinced us to go ahead and pick three random numbers between one and 13 and just see what happened. And the numbers he circled are: 2, 8, and 12.

That means that the winners are...Gus, From Go with Gus, Kyra, from Kyra's Khorner, and Kirby from Welcome To Kirbys World. Let's put our paws together and congratulate our three winners!

Now let's see if we can work this out. It seems like Gus liked the puzzle game, but also said they were big Outward Hound fans. So maybe Gus would want the backpack. Kyra said they'd be happy with any of the three and Kirby did too, but expressed an interest in the puzzle game.
So maybe the Excursion Backpack for Gus, the Flat Squirrel for Kyra, and the Paw Hide Puzzle Game for Kirby???

Please e-mail me if this is O.K. with you, or if you'd prefer to trade with one another. Also please include your snail mail addresses. Whomever gets the back pack will have to check out the Kyjen website at: www.kyjen.com for sizes and color preferences-any trouble with that, I'm happy to help. You may also choose between a small and large squirrel-see Kyjen website for measurements.

Once again, thanks one and all for participating, and look forward to more giveaways in 2011!

P.S. Stay tuned for a very special e-card coming tomorrow...


Amy / Layla the Malamute said...

Congratulations to the winners!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


I love skhwirrels so that would be fine with me!

I'm also smiling at the fakht we were lukhky #8 as 8 and 26 are our lukhky numbers - especially since that both of our Gotcha Days! Of khourse, Mom has had a few more of 'em than I have!

I'll paw woo an email in a few!

Khongrats to the others as well!


Unknown said...

Congrats to the winners!

Duke said...

Congratulations to the winners! All of the gifts are awesome!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Gus said...

Pawsome! I have never won anything before. The Backpack is great, but I will trade with any of the other winners! THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU!


pee ess...whatever you send, can you hold it until after the first of the year for me?


George The Lad said...

Congrats to the winners ;)
Thank You for dads birthday wishes.
Have a Great Christmas Catch up with you soon
George and Jan xxx

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