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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Request For Submissions!

Just calling your attention to our new button right at the very top of the sidebar (which just happens to have my picture directly below it), titled: "Your Dog Rescue Stories". If you have rescued a dog at any time in the past, we'd love to hear your story! Parental Unit and I plan to compile these stories into a book (complete with photos) and at least 50% of the profits will go to no-kill pet shelters and rescues around the country.

We hope to collect many more stories than we can use in one book, so we can have spill-over into second and third editions:-), so don't be shy! Even if you haven't personally adopted a dog, I'll bet you know someone who has, so please send them our way.

Just click the text that says "Click Here to Submit!" and it will take you to a seperate page that gives you all the instructions.

A big thank-you goes to Rachel of www.rachellaurenphotography.com who helped to set up this page, and who will serve as the photographer in chief for this book! By the way, the photo credit for my smiling face on this button goes to Rachel. If you haven't checked out her website and blog in awhile, you'll enjoy keeping up with her photography business, and seeing all of her new photographs.

And in related news, Rachel has set up a Facebook page for her dog, Zero, who's had a number of health problems lately. When you have a spare moment, visit this page and wish them well. We can all attest to "The Power of the Paw"! www.facebook.com/pages/Positive-Thoughts-For-Zero/165493823476375


♥ Sallie said...

Sounds awesome!


Duke said...

I came from a pet store when I was 4 months old. Dad always tells me that he rescued me. My daddy loves me.

Yer friend,

The Daily Pip said...

Hey Bocci, that's a great idea! I will send you my story. I just posted it back in September for my Gotcha Day. Are you just focusing on dogs or cats, too?? My feline siblings are all rescues, too.

Your pal, Pip

Bocci said...

To Mitch: I think that counts as a rescue:-)! Any pooch who ends up in your fabulous home is rescued for sure!

To Pip: We'd be thrilled to have your story: For this first book, I'd like to focus on dogs only, although we have a rescued kitty ourselves.

P.S. Do ya think we're optimistic enough..."first book" and all :-)

Lorenza said...

I am sure you are going to get lots of pawesome stories!
Paws crossed for Zero.
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Bella and Ollie said...

That's a great idea, we wish you all the best; we've just published our book and it's a great adventure. We are part of Pet Book Stars (petbookstars.com) and will be very happy to promote your book there - let us know when it's ready.
Love from Bella and Ollie.

Oskar said...

This sounds like a great project. If I was a rescue dog I would totally share my story!

Nubbin wiggles,

Rachel said...

What a neat idea... can't wait to read all those wonderful stories.

Jake of Florida said...

We read what Mitch wrote -- and that's what our peeps tell us about me: I, Jake, came from a pet store when I was about 12 weeks old and they say they rescued me.

On the other paw, they really did rescue Just Harry after he was abandoned when Katrina hit Florida before moving on the New Orleans. We wrote about it on one of our earliest posts.

Wirey woofs,

Jake and Just Harry

Rachel Lauren Photography said...

I'm honored to be a part of this project! I'll be submitting both of my dogs' stories soon! :)

Fiona Designs said...

This is such a great idea - I would love to share how we received and rescued our two!

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