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Saturday, September 25, 2010

"Hatchi: A Dog's Tale"

This film, which has gotten rave reviews, will make its United States debut on Sunday, September 26 (that's tomorrow, folks), on the Hallmark Channel-so push all those football fanatic family members off the couch and plop down with tissues clutched in paws and hands.

The film stars the still gorgeous Richard Gere (Parental Unit insisted I add that description of Mr. Gere) and three Akita's playing the famous Japanese dog, Hatchi, in "a contemporary retelling of the story of Hatchiko, an Akita who lived in Japan in the 1920's and '30's." Hachiko was the companion of a professor who died suddenly at work, and the faithful Hachiko continued to return to the train station where his owner traveled to and from work, for nine years after his death, awaiting the man's return. A statute of Hachiko still stands at that Tokyo train station-or so we've read.

Parental Unit had heard of  this film before, but didn't realize that it was making it's U.S. debut on cable until she read this article in today's New York Times: www.nytimes.com/2010/09/25/arts/television/25dogs.html?_r=1&ref=arts

So enjoy the article and the film, and ponder if you will, whether anyone will make a statute of your's truly...
Photo by www.rachellaurenphotography.com


Lily said...

I definitely see a statue in your future!

Maggie Mae and Max said...

Tanks fur da heads up on da movie Bocci!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

PeeS Grreat photo!

Ivy, the Yellow Lab said...

Great Blog! Happy Blog hopping and visit me if you can!!

Noah said...

We will be watching! Thanks for the tails up.

Asta said...

I heawd of this stowy ,but didn't know about the film..it sounds like
a teaw jewkew
You look soo handsome Bocci, I'm not suwe any statoo could do you justice!
smoochie kisses

Lola and also Franklin, too said...

I don't know if we're going to watch or not. Those things make Mom leaky and she says she's had enough good cries in her time not to enjoy them anymore. But it does sound good and I think they should certainly make a statue of you. That pose would be pawfect. What's your preference? Bronze? Marble? Granite?

lotsa licks, Lola

The Daily Pip said...

Thanks Bocci! Looking forward to watching it. I love a good cry.

Your pal, Pip

Duke said...

This sounds like a winner, Bocci, but dad will never let us turn off his beloved football! We'll have to catch a rerun of the movie! Bummer!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Lorenza said...

Hi, Bocci!
My mom knows the story and she is not so sure to watch it because she knows it will make her cry!
But... she will try!
Happy Saturday!
Kisses and hugs

Unknown said...

We've watched it. A very touching story! Make sure you've a box of tissue in front of you : )

Minnie and Mack said...

Thanks for visiting! Hu-mom will be looking for the movie.

Minnie and Mack

Bella and Ollie said...

Sounds like a beautiful touching story.
My hoomans would cries if they saw it!

Love, Bella & Ollie.

Kirby, CGC said...

Hi Bocci,
We don't have cable, so mom said we will have to wait till it's on video..but she will be sure to watch it! We saw something on PBS once about this story, and there really is a statue of the dog in the train station!

I definitly think you are worthy of a statue dude!!


booahboo said...

I've watched this movie about Hatchi... and you guys should not miss it for the world. Great weekend to you Bocci :)

Bocci said...

Thanks for the recommendations on the movie from those of you who have actually seen it! Parental Unit will DVR it!

Pup Fan said...

The DVR is set! Thanks for posting about this... I wouldn't have known about it otherwise. :)

Anonymous said...

Yes, the movie is a tearjerker... I watched it on a plane in June - a bit embarrassing to sit in business class and cry, I wanted to turn it off and watch something else but had to see how it ended. To be honest, I really had some issues with it and would be curious to hear what other dog lovers think. (STOP READING HERE IF YOU REALLY WANT TO SEE THE MOVIE)

The original true story, took place in Japan in the 1920’s and 30’s, the Richard Gere version takes place in modern day North East USA where I believe no dog should be set loose to fend for themselves for a decade (actually no dog should have to fend for themselves, period!) Thanks for sharing the NYT article, I’m surprised no one thought that inhumane treatment of dogs in present day (leaving a dog outside in the snow, etc.) would hurt the movie.

We love your blog!

Sophie and parental unit

Bocci said...

Thanks for your comments on the movie, Sophie and Parental Unit! We still haven't seen the movie, but DVR'd it last night, so we shall be interested to see, given the commentary.
And thanks for the compliment on our blog-stop back and become an official follower, if you will=you can do so anonymously, I think:-)

Jake of Florida said...

We often think of the Hachiko story when we learn of dogs who have been abandoned or otherwise find themselves in strange situations -- wondering what they're thinking, wondering what they're feeling, and wondering how people can duck their responsibilities to such amazing creatures.

Wirey woofs from Jake and Just Harry,


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