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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Happy Blogoversary To Me.....!

First order of business on this fine day for celebration: a thanks to Lorenza for coming up with the word, "Blogoversary"! At least we've never heard of it until now!

Parental Unit and I just wanted to tell you how thankful we are for all of the friends we've made this last year. Even though we haven't had the pleasure of meeting most of you, we sure feel like we have, and that says a lot! We both get so much enjoyment from reading your blogs and seeing your photos every day-thanks for the laughs and sorrows you've shared.

To kick off the grand, month-long celebration we've planned (going overboard, you say?), let's refresh your memories with a link to our very first posts: boccibeefs.blogspot.com/2009_09_01_archive.html Notice there are no comments, but it can't hurt to express yourself now:-)

When we first started, we didn't quite know where or how to focus the writing, but thanks to the two BlogPaws conferences we've attended, we now know that we want to devote this blog to promoting pet adoption and rescue, along with sharing some select products, services, and information that we hope you'll enjoy and maybe even learn from - and we pledge to have more give-a-ways! And we will continue to call you attention to articles from our beloved New York Times-we may live in Ohio, but our heart belongs to this fabulous city and the newspaper that it nurtures.

Now before you get to thinking that this blog is really a true joint venture between Parental Unit and me, just remember, I'm the brains of the operation, folks.
As you can see from the picture below, I'm in charge...I do look like I'm in charge, don't I?

Anyway,  while we're chatting, let me refer you to two interesting articles, both from the Science Section of today's Times. The first piece, titled "Polar Sidekicks Earn a Place on the Map", discusses the long overdue nod to the dogs and ponies that helped humans get to the South Pole. They're finally being honored for bearing "much of the burden, and in most cases [giving] their all" to this 1912-1913 race to the South Pole-the aeronautical maps will now bear the names of these canine and equine heroes. Hurrah!

But the second article is not so celebratory-it's an update on the increasing incidence of canine rabies in Vietnam...and, uh, why it's happening now. The title: "With Rabies Deaths on the Rise, A Menu Item Gets a Closer Look." Hint: Do not read this article while eating lunch, like Parental Unit did!


Jake of Florida said...

Grrrr, we just posted a long post and it got eaten by that 503 message.

We were wishing you a happy blogoversary with a wink and a wagging of our tails to your parental unit.

We had something to say about the Vietnam article -- but for the moment will leave it unrepeated.

Wirey woofs,

Jake and Just Harry

Kirby, CGC said...

Hey Bocci!
Congratulations on your blogerversary! And of course you are the one in charge, don't let your parental unit ever forget that!

My mom gets Cesar's magazine and we read the article about the dogs in Afghanistan. Cool story wasn't it!


Asta said...

Congwatulations on youw Blogovewsawawy..I don't think I had anuy wesponses to my blog fow about a couple of weeks, heheh..I was just talking to myself( I still do that)
anyway, youw bloggie is tewwific and I'm so glad you awe one of my fwiendses..I didn't wead the second awticle cause it weally upsets me. ummm, as fow who's in chawge???thewe is no doubt in my mind that it's you ...as it should be
smoochie kisses

Duke said...

Happy blogoversary, Bocci!
Absolutely you are in charge! There is no doubt about it!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Noah said...

Happy Blogoversary Bocci!

The Daily Pip said...

Congrats Bocci! I have no doubt that you are the brains behind the operation! Keep up the great work!

Your pal, Pip

P.S.: Who is that cutie you are napping with on the bed?

Lola and also Franklin, too said...

A very, very happy blogaversary to you, Bocci! And we wish you many more years of great blogging.

lotsa licks, Lola

booahboo said...

Congrats Bocci on you Blogoversary :D You surely am the brains behind the whole operation... you even get to hog the bed.. hehhehee..

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Happy Blogoversary!

Here's to many more!


Lorenza said...

I wish you many many more Blogoversaries to you!
You always give us very interesting info!
Rabies is a big problem here... that is why I get the vaccine twice a year! Hmmm... not funny!
Kisses and hugs

Bella and Ollie said...

Happy Blogoversary to you! How exiting :)
We hope you got lots of treats to celebrate!

Love, Bella & Ollie.

Abundance Yeah said...

Following you from Wednesday Blog Hop.
Follow back

Pup Fan said...

Happy happy blogoversary! Love reading your blog. :)

Unknown said...

Happy Blogversary!!! We love your blog and just sad we didnt find it sooner!

Marci said...

Just stopping by and following you from Midweek Mingle.


Kristin said...

Hi! Love your blog!! I'm your newest follower from the Wednesday blog hop!

Kristin :)
Keenly Kristin

Renee DeMartin said...

I'm Mugs, aunt Renee's dog, and I'm just gonna say it.......I hope all the
Vietnemese and others who eat dogs get rabies and tons of bad karma.

Blue Elvis said...

Hi Bocci,
I'm enjoying your blog. A ton of useful stuff and you are a good writer, man...

I've never had the slightest doubt you run the operation. Totally in charge... calm, relaxed and in control...

Oh, and Happy Belated Birthday to Ms. Prissy. I have one, too... haven't blogged about her yet... I call mine The Hissy Creature... she doesn't mind... turned out to be a cuddly thing.. But you know, names stick...

Oh yes, Happy Blogerversary!

Yours truly,
~ Blue Elvis, The Blogging Cocker

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