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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Really Thankful Thursday!

Today, Parental Unit and I are thankful for (almost all) of the same things:

**For all of our blogland friends who agreed to participate in this Saturday's International Homeless Animals Day-thank you!

**Parental Unit is always thankful for the delicious food she gets to eat (sometimes too much!)

**And I'm thankful that she lets me help her decide what to make for dinner! (Giada's, Everyday Italian is one of our favorites).

**I'm extra thankful that she takes me to the park every day where I can meet lots of nice folks (even if I'm sometimes wearing a jacket.)

And we're both thankful that Bella and I get along, at least long enough to snap a picture! (Those papers have already been cleared and are ready to be dropped off at the shelter:-)

What are you all thankful for this Thursday?

P.S. Our wonderful friend and neighbor, John Clark, took the photo of me with Giada's cookbook (see my very first post describing that photo shoot right here: boccibeefs.blogspot.com/2009_09_01_archive.html


Maggie Mae and Max said...

Oh Bocci,

I am tankful that I has wunderful furiends like you!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

PeeS Luvs all the pictures today but since mom and me is Minnesota Vikings fans I am not crazy 'bouts those chairs that the two-leggers is sittin' in, just sayin...:)

The Daily Pip said...

I am thankful for all my wonderful new friends in blogland! I am thankful for my family (parents, little sister, and feline brother and sister) - and my forever home!

Your pal, Pip

Lola and also Franklin, too said...

I have so many things to be thankful for. Furiends, family, home, even my new little brother who has turned out to be pretty nice. This is a nice post, Bocci.

lotsa licks, Lola

Unknown said...

We love all the things you are thankful for!
Great to see you and Bella together! I think eva doesn't like cats :(

Donna said...

O hai! :) I am thankful for a lot.

- my home and family

- taking walks every day

- sittin next to Dad when he watches teevee

- Mom lettin me look at her crossword book

- D.R. scratching me on the tummy

- a good nap

- being a healthy dog. :)

- my friends like u!

24 Paws of Love said...

We're thankful for all our bloggy friends and for our good health and having a furever home. Can't beat that! Except for Daddy's night treats, now THAT is something to really be thankful for!!

Bocci said...

We just love reading what you all are thankful for!

Your buddy,

Unknown said...

I agree! Tennis balls, ice cream, sleeping on the bed and of course, my pals - in the neighborhood and on the computer!

Your pal,


Anonymous said...

Yes, we are the LUCKY ones. Games, walks, food, constant supply of loves. However, we don'ts like being B R U S H E D and have done best to sabotage equipment for doings of said undignified task.

Apart from being brushed oh and B A T H S we don'ts like those neither...

WE is happy little Scottie dogs and lucky too!

Woofs and Waggles
Hector and Bonny

Duke said...

We are thankful that you are our friend, Bocci!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

May I kiss your paws?
I'm so thankful to be your friend and extra thankful to receive the fabulous Fido magazine right on Thankful Thursday, yeah!

Bocci said...

And we are soooo thankful for all of our friends! WE love you, Maggie and Mitch-you were one of our first friends :-)

Of course, you pay "kiss my feet", Mango:-) So happy that you're enjoying FIDO Friendly-look for your picture soon!

Oh...and I couldn't agree more with the Scottish dogs-I hate baths!!!!!! And brushings aren't too great either.

Peggy Frezon said...

I'm thankful for dogs. Especially my little Kelly, but really all dogs, wet noses, waggy tails and all.

Thanks for following my blog, I'm now following you too!

Fiona Designs said...

I am so thankful for my two doggies Logan and Spencer whom we adopted and are the best!
: 0 )

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