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Sunday, August 29, 2010

I'm A Winner Thanks To Fiona Designs!

Parental Unit and I are proud to announce that we are the recent winners of a set of beautiful cards from Fiona Designs! Many of you may already be familiar with this fabulous card designer and artist, but just in case you're not, here's a link to Fiona's website: www.fionadesigns.com. Just visit her website to access both Fiona's blog and Etsy store, where you an purchase her creations. By the way, she's been featured in such national publications as Redbook, Real Simple and People!

We were fortunate to have found Fiona's blog through the very first bloghop that we joined, and Parental Unit  was immediately impressed with the simplicity and originality of Fiona's Designs. So of course, we  entered the contest she had posted at the time, and the prize was 10 of her cards for various occassions...and we won! Talk about a lucky dog!

Here's me holding the package that just arrived yesterday.

And here's the lovely note that Fiona wrote to us.

Here are the cards-each one comes with a coordinating envelope made with shimmering paper. You'll feel like a real class act sending notes on these cards!

So when you get a chance, check out Fiona's website and store, and don't forget to become a follower on her blog and Facebook-enjoy!


Noah said...

You lucky dog Bocci!

Lauren M. Davis Folk Art! said...

Ahhh Awesome!!!! :) Congrats Cutie Pie!!!!!

Lorenza said...

Congratulations, Bocci!
I had seen her cards in Etsy. They are beautiful!
Happy Sunday!
Kisses and hugs

Anonymous said...

You should go buy a lottery ticket with all your luck lately!

Thanks for the nice card that you sent to me and my asst. We are both impressed that you have your own business cards. No wonder you're winning stuff and being sponsored and taking lavish trips to tropical islands... or at least Denver. I'm pretty sure I would have a better blog and win stuff if had some business cards like that. I have one big obstacle however... my asst. is uber lazy as well as cheap and says if I'm not actually making money then she sees no need for such things. She just doesn't see the big picture Bocci. I'll never be successful like you because of her bad attitude. I commend you for your success however, and I wish you the very best in all your future endeavors. I'll be ready for a squirrel hunt whenever you are!!!

Bocci said...

Tank, your comment is so funny, we are both splitting our sides laughing!

P.S. Parental Unit plays the lottery an embarassing amount, each time really believing that she'll win :-)

Your buddy,

jen said...

Congratulation on winning!
Her cards are beautiful. We look forward to checking out her site

Inky and Molly said...

Well done on winning the stationery set! We sure hope you'll paw us one of those cards sometimes...

Unknown said...

Awesome designs!
Congrats :P

Duke said...

What beautiful cards! Lucky you, Bocci!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Fiona Designs said...

Thank you so much Bocci for such a lovely post about my cards! You are the best. I am so happy that you and the parental unit like them so much.

All the best!

Unknown said...

What pretty cards! you are one lucky pup! I will go check it out - thanks for the heads up.

Kapitein Haakje said...


El'bow & Hauwii

Amy / Layla the Malamute said...

Very cool!

AngelPups said...

Beautiful cards ;-) It's obviously you and your Parental Units lucky week!!!
Kelly & Crew
Big Mac, Molly & Moxie

Nico and The Bandit said...

Winning prizes is great!

Dewey Dewster said...

Well Bocci....

Ya and yer parental unit seem ta have struck it rich......in lovely notecards......enjoy 'em cause they look swell...

Dewey Dewster here....

~SHANNON~ said...

Beautiful stuff!

following from MomsReview4You Blog hop! Hope you will stop by and follow my blog too!


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