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Monday, August 09, 2010

Attention Ohio Visitors

Hey folks, those of you from Ohio...like um, Westerville, Lancaster, Newark, and even Columbus, who have visited my blog since Saturday when I wrote the give-a-way post, or even someone new who is just reading this now: if you want to win that FREE 20lb. bag of pet food of your choice from PetPeople, please leave a comment on the most recent post, which is the PetPeople post. You really should comment with a least a first name, not just "anonymous" so my readers know that you're legit :-)! You can then send Parental Unit your snail mail address via her e-mail which is listed at the bottom of the blog,  and I'll mail you the coupon.

To "anonymous" who left a comment late Sunday night and said you were from Ohio, please write another comment with at least your first name. If no one else leaves a comment from Ohio, before you write another one, you'll be the winner!

Please excuse this extra post to explain things.... We get tons of visitors from Ohio every day, but to win the voucher, you must comment on the post, and with at least your first name :-)

Thanks a ton!

More fun stuff coming later today and tomorrow, so please stay tuned!


Duke said...

We hope "Ohio" writes back, Bocci!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

George The Lad said...

I’ve just popped in to say I have given you an award, Its ok if you don’t want to except it, cus it might not be your kinder thing or you might already have it, and it comes with some conditions, the reason you have got it is you are one of my recently discovered blogs and think your blog is fantastic. I have put a link from my blog to your blog on the post”Awards from my furiends”. Pop over to me blog and see if you would like it. It’s the one with the butterfly on.
See Yea George xxx

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