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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

"Where Sparky May Go After His Final Walk..."

While perusing The Times this morning, I ran across a book review of "The Divine Life of Animals", by Ptolemy Tompkins. According to the review, the book investigates whether there is an afterlife for, uh, well, me and other such creatures. The author of the book is "convinced that [there is]."  Well, that makes two of us, at least! And go ahead and add Parental Unit to that group-she says she believed animals have souls ( or something like that) since she was a wee kid and wept over what she calls the classics: Lad, A Dog, Black Beauty, Beautiful Joe, Bambi. You name it, if it was about an animal, she read it and sobbed.

Of course, to believe that animals have souls and go to heaven, you probably have to say "ditto" for the human animal...but that's for another post, and probably another blog!

So take a look at this review, and tell us what you think: Do we animals go some place fabulous after we depart...and where in the heck is the "rainbow bridge?"  

Meanwhile, I'm getting ready to go on what I hope isn't my final walk - I'm just now gearing up to cause some real trouble!

     Here I am patiently waiting for Parental Unit...as always


3 doxies said...

Well, how does one actually know fur a fact dat an animal has no soul...what proof can anyone show me...didn't think so. I may not make it to heaven but it doesn't mean animals won't go...besides, when a hooman goes why would they even want to be there without animals. Maybe I'm talking too much here. Okay, Bye!

Preacher Puddles

Bocci said...

Definitely not "talking" too much, Preacher Puddles". and you make perfect sense to us!

Your buddy,

Duke said...

Mom is sure hoping that if she gets to Heaven, she will be reunited with us one day!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

♥I am Holly♥ said...

Mom hopes that if she goes to Heaven, she is reunited with all of her wonderful animals from her life. She thinks all animals have a soul. Lots of love, Holly and mom

Bocci said...

We agree with ya, Maggie and Mitch and Holly!

Your buddy,

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