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Saturday, July 03, 2010

Dressed To The Nine's

If you live in a year-round cold climate, or just want to get an early start on your holiday shopping for your pampered pooch, check out this wonderful slide show of doggie boots from The New York Times.

I can tell ya, Parental Unit won't be puttin' those things on me...at least I hope not! Have any of you wondered if dressing up your dog like he or she were your human child is psychologically damaging to your furry best friend? O.K., I didn't think so... :-)

Well, take a look at Exhibits A and B below. Do we look like we're havin' fun?

       My Aunt Renee's dog, Mugsy, has seen happier days.

                                Need I say More?


Marianne Pysh said...

Ugh, oh! My human saw all of this. I hope she doesn't go gettin any funny ideas....

Wiggles & Giggles,
Lucy Lou

Bocci said...

Ha! Same here!

Your buddy,

Duke said...

OMG, these poor doggies! We don't like wearing clothes! We'll do it if there are treats involved but we can only put up with it for just so long!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

♥I am Holly♥ said...

Your post got mom laughing really hard!! She can't get anything on me for more than a few minutes and I tear it off. I have my own clothes and wear them constantly! Lots of love, Holly and mom

Inky and Molly said...

Never funny when it happens to oneself but oh so funny to see other pals in dress-up. You look too cute and Mugsy, well, we hear him but he rocks in that outfit!

Rachel Lauren Photography said...

Love the outfit! I won't dress up Zero, she wouldn't have one minute of it!

I really like Mugsy! We're thinking of adopting a second dog, and the Australian Cattle Dog is at the top of my list.

Bocci said...

Yeah, Mugsy does "rock" in that outfit!

Lorenza said...

Oh-oh! Those doggies sure don't look happy!
I love my dresses because they mean WALKIES! And I wear them only for that!
Kisses and hugs

Bocci said...

You look stunning in your dresses-and happy!

Your buddy,

auggiesdoggiebloggie said...

Hey Bocci,
Happy 4th! Now we know some don't like wearing clothes & prefer the nude lifestyle, but we get kind of excited when the adornments come out... a sense of joie de vivre.
Hope you have a fun day!
Auggie & Maezi

Bocci said...

Hi Auggie and Maezi! Happy 4th right back to ya!

To each his/her own on the clothes thing :-)! Glad you enjoy it!
Your buddy,

Asta said...

hehehehe Bocci

I know , I know it'a all so silly, but sometimes hoomans need a little amoosement in theiw lives..pawsonally, as long as it doesn't huwt me physically, I have a stwong enuff ego to put up wif some widicoolous looks.
smoochie kisses
ASTApee ess can't wait to heaw about and see Cawson

Bocci said...

Thanks Asta,
Carson was a real sweetheart...sort of! But not, I must say, as traditionally good looking ( I was told) as you and your predecessors!

Your buddy,

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