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Wednesday, June 09, 2010

I Am Be-Jeweled Thanks to Maggie And Mitch!

 Parental Unit told me the other day that I won some sort of prize, but she wouldn't tell me what it was... She did hint  that I'd better keep a look-out for our mailman, Ed, who was soon to deliver something special (no problem with that, because Ed always has biscuits for me!).

So here I am waiting for my prize...

It came right quick and was addressed to me!

Hey Parental Unit, you think you could help me open this?

And look what was in the package- a jeweled collar made just for me, by a wonderful craftsman from Indiana named Tim!

I just had to try it on immediately-ain't it gorgeous! Parental Unit raved about the softness of the leather and how it was so well made - I'll never slip out of this one! A true one of a kind collar! I think we should all be contacting Tim so we can having matching collars!

I got so excited, I started running around like a crazy dog playing with my ball in my new collar, and within a few minutes, I just pooped out.

I still can't believe that I was so lucky as to win a hand made, jeweled collar. Thank you so much, Maggie and Mitch!

I have to admit, I think I look even handsome-er than usual in my new collar. What do you all think?


Lorenza said...

Congratulations, Bocci!
Your collar is pawesome!
Of course you look soooooo handsome!
Kisses and hugs

Bocci said...

Thanks Lorenza-glad you like it...and me!
Your buddy,

Duke said...

Your new collar look beautiful on you, Bocci! Tim did an outstanding job! BTW, Tim lives in IN, not CT. Now that you're all dressed up you deserve a special trip - like maybe to get an ice cream cone!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Bocci said...

Doesn't it look gorgeous! it is so well-made-quite literally, it will last for generations of dogs!
Oh my dog, I'm getting all my states mixed up! Will correct!

Nelly said...

Hey Bocci,
Congratulations on winning at Maggie and Mitchs'. That's a beautiful collar. You ARE Very handsome!
Nelly x

Asta said...

You look amazingly handsome in youw new bejeweled collaw!
Congwatulations on winning it!!!
It suits you so well. I love it!!!
sets off youw bootiful colowed haiw
smoochie kisses

Renee DeMartin said...

Absolutely gorgeous collar......you need to put Tim's contact info on your blog!

Bocci said...

Awe shucks, Nellie, thanks! I just took another look in the mirror and...you're right, I am a handsome devil!

Your buddy,

Bocci said...

Yes, Asta, I did think the black leather with green jewels would set off my coloring nicely... :-)

Your buddy,

Bocci said...

Hey look, my Aunt Renee learned how to comment on my blog with her own name! Ha!
I will tell you all, if my Aunt, who has a keen eye for beauty, thinks it's a beautiful collar, then I know for sure it really is gorgeous!

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