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Sunday, May 23, 2010

And The Winners Are...

Thanks to all those who participated in my first ever product review and give-a-way!

The winner of the organic wool ball is: Lorenza, of: www.eldiarodelorenza.blogspot.com, from our lovely neighbor to the south, Mexico.

And the winner of the organic catnip toy is "For the Love of Dogs" at: www.petlovercouture.blogspot.com.

Congrats to you both, and hope you enjoy!

If there's anything you don't understand from Saturday's post about how to collect your prize from Purrfectplay.com, please contact me directly at: jdemarti@columbus.rr.com. Parental Unit or I will be happy to help.

And for those of you who didn't win, don't forget to use that discount code good for 25% off your total purchase at Purrfectplay! Here it is again: Bocci's Beefs Discount Code: 5111520219

Stay tuned for more product reviews and give-a-ways coming soon. And check back tomorrow to hear what happened on our hike today-it was not pretty: a mini heat stroke and a swarm of ticks = being driven back to our car by a ranger!


Duke said...

Congratulations to the winners! Those are very cool toys!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Bocci said...

Thanks for stoppin by, Maggie and Mitch-we appreciate your support!

Your buddy,

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