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Saturday, April 10, 2010

Pictures From BlogPaws 2010!

We're both still reeling from all the fun we had at the BlogPaws conference, right here in Columbus, Ohio!
I went today for a few hours and made so many new friends-I think it made Parental Unit feel bad because everyone, even some real celebrities, asked to have their picture taken with me! As usual, she managed to elbow her way in to a few, but they came out pretty good anyway. See for yourself...

Can you guess who that superstar gal is on your left with her arms around me? It's Andrea Arden, star of Animal Planet's Underdog To Wonderdog!  She said plain as day that I was her favorite kind of dog-scruffy!

And here's yet another beautiful gal with her arms around me, Christina Kwan, the network manager from Dogtime Media. Bocci's Beefs has been on their blog netowork for a long time and we love it! Check them out here: www.dogtimemedia.com.

And here I am greeting a Pug that came with one of the conference attendees-he got a kick out of me trying to lick his dog's face! I heard Parental Unit say under her breath that I was probably "basting" the poor fellow for future consumption. "Not"!

More on the actual learning and networking stuff that went on at the conference (and my shocking behavior in doggie day care) coming soon!


Duke said...

OMG, your a celebrity, Bocci! How exciting for you!
We can't wait to hear more about BlogPaws 2010 and see more pictures!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Lorenza said...

Hi, Bocci!
I can see you had a pawesome time there with all those VIP!
Shocking behavior in doggie day care?? Oh-oh!
I will be waiting to know about it!
Kisses and hugs

Bocci said...

I just like seeing a "celebrity", Maggie and Mitch! Parental Unit said Andrea's talk was "Pawsome"-really inspiring!
Stay tuned...

Bocci said...

Yes, Lorenza, truth be told, I really embarassed my Parental Unit!
Thanks for stoppin' by.
Your buddy,

Joanne Brokaw said...

Bocci! Me and you would have had lots of fun at Blogpaws! I know how to be bad at day care, too!

Thanks for taking care of my Mommy and giving her lots of love. Because she gets sad when we're not there to love her and shed on her and kiss her sit on her lap. She liked you A LOT.

Tell me what you did at day care!! Give me some good ideas to be shocking next time I have to go!!! HAHAHAHAA!!

LOVE, BANDIT!!! (& Mommy)

Life With Dogs said...

How did I miss you!! :(
Oh well, you know I will be there next year - I hope you are as well!

Bocci said...

Hey Bandit and Mommy Joanne.
Yes, your Mom kept me occupied during the workshop-she said it was because she missed you and liked me, but I think she knew I'd be bad if not occupied:-)
Let me just say this: My parental Unit was mortified at what I did in daycare!
Your buddy,

Bocci said...

OMG, were you there and we didn't get to meet?! Really? Aaaach!
That would have been so much fun-send me a picture so I know who you are!

Asta said...

What a cool event!! and that Andwea lady and othew celebweties awe obviously clevew enuff to wecognise youw wondewfulness. You awe the vewy bestest kind of doggie..adowable and pawfect!!!
smoochie kisses

Bocci said...

Hi Asta,
I agree with everything you just said! But wait till you hear what happened in Doggie Day care-yikes!

Unknown said...

That could happen to be a lot fun-send me personally an image and so i understand that you're!

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