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Monday, February 15, 2010


Wow! We're having a heck of a storm here in Ohio-the snow is just pilin' up! And I was out in the thick of it all-but just in my backyard. The day is drawing to a close, and it looks like Parental Unit is going to blow off our walk-I can just hear her rationalizing to herself that just one day out of 365 won't hurt me or my self-esteem - that's what parents worry about, isn't it-somehow ruining their kids' self-esteem? I'll never admit it to her, but she's right - I'm going to curl up on the couch here in a minute, but before I do, I want you to see the arrangements around here.
Take a gander at me freezing my butt off outside and you-know-who, curled up in her comfy bed by the heater...


McGillicutty said...


You can keep that white stuff, man. Me thinks it was only good for the eatin'...just remember...Don't eat the yellow snow!

Irish Love,

Bocci said...

Yep, that's what I do as soon as I go out there-eat some mouthfuls!
It's even too cold for me, though... I'm hittin' the covers...

Finni said...

That feline knows what's good for her! Stay warm!
Finni & Nelly xx

Bocci said...

Hey Finni and Nelly,
Thanks for droppin' by! Finally going to get my Parental Unit out for a walk today-she got a snow day from school!
Yep, that gal Bella is pretty smart-she's got Parental Unit wrapped around her finger!

Duke said...

We're getting pounded with the white stuff too, Bocci!
Don't you make your Parental Unit shovel and snowblow BEFORE you go out? We sure do!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Bocci said...

Hey you guys, thanks for that keen suggestion! Parental Unit and I did make it out for one long walk today at our nearby park, but no shoveling did she! She did manage to scrape off some of the snow from the steps with her hands and the newspaper so our mail carrier wouldn't kill himself (or turn her in to the authorities).
It's still snowing here -she had the day off from school, so at least I got to play with the cat and sleep on the couch during the day!

Rachel said...

Bocci enjoy it while it lasts. It won't be around forever.. or so I keep telling myself.

Bocci said...

Yep, I sure will! We're gearing up for another walk as I speak. Dashed around and around...and around our yard last night just for some last minute fun before bedtime-Gosh, I slept good!

Asta said...

You bettew wun wight in and get wawm. I just can't stand the idea of youw handsome little bum bum fweezing off. Take a lesson fwom the kitty, and cuwl up on a nice soft pillow.
Bocci, i twied and twied to put youw faboolous bloggie on my bloggie list and it wouldn't wowk..I'm distwaught
smoochie kisses

Bocci said...

You're so funny Asta! Please don't be distraught! I'm happy as can be that you're now a follower. Thanks and keep warm ( in your really cool and sophisticated coat!)
Here's to more visits to bookstores ( I go to an independent book store just down the street from our home called, "The Book Loft". parental Unit saw David Sedaris there last summer!

Shadrach the Neo Mastiff said...

Wow now to a NM dog like me Bocci that looks like some FUN! Okay I know it's cold but FUN, WOOF! Stay warm and as for the feline by the heater...I can't believe you have to live with a cat :-( Stay warm and have a tail waggin' day Bocci!

Bocci said...

What a pal! I knew you'd agree that I shouldn't have to live with a cat! She's always in my "space", followin' me around like some pesky little sibling. Why I'd like to......... I'd better not go there.

P.S. Parental Unit harbors serious fantasies of moving to Santa Fe...
Thanks for stoppin' by!

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