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Saturday, October 03, 2015

New York Dog Film Festival Rolls Out The Green Carpet!

     Photo credit: Jim Dratfield
Did you ever fantasize about watching dogs, dogs, and well, more dogs, on screen in a theater...all day long? Your desires have become reality, dog lovers! The first New York Dog Film Festival is held today at Symphony Space in Manhattan, and promises "all dogs, all day"—can it get any better?

The Dog Film Festival is the brainchild of Tracie Hotchner, founder of the Radio Pet Lady Network and author of the wildly popular books, The Dog Bible and The Cat Bible, and features forty short films, running from 60 seconds to 30 minutes in two sessions throughout the day.

The festival includes the mini films of humorist Merrill Markoe (of late Night with David Letterman fame), and the artist William Wegman and his Weimaraners. For those of us not able to attend in New York, we can view at least some of the festival's films on YouTube.

We're especially thrilled that the festival also features a segment from an episode of the Shelter Me series on PBS, titled "Second Chances" that shows prisoners training shelter dogs for future work as service dogs.

We can envision a several day, Sundance-like festival starring all dogs, dogs and more dogs (Why not be generous and include a few cats?) as the natural follow-up to this cool festival. What about you?


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